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Dr. Katie O'Connor
Oct 26, 20204 min read
Overbaked or Underbaked? How do you know when your baby is due?
We’ve all known her. That pregnant mama who’s feeling large, sweaty and can’t get comfortable. She’s past her due date, and she’s already...
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Dr. Katie O'Connor
Oct 12, 20204 min read
Pregnancy. A royal pain in the round ligament!
Ahhh pregnancy! What a joyous time of bliss and pure delight…right? Or so all the ads and blogs would have you imagine. All the shiny...
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Dr. Katie O'Connor
Oct 5, 20205 min read
It’s Time for the Draft! Are you picking your own dream birth team?
Since it’s football season I figured I could squeeze in a timely sports metaphor. It’s officially that time of year- when our husbands...
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Dr. Katie O'Connor
Aug 31, 20203 min read
Can You Turn My Breech Baby? Chiropractic Webster Technique, myth or reality?
As a chiropractor specializing in pregnancy care, I get patients coming in all the time, late in pregnancy with a baby that "needs to be...
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Dr. Katie O'Connor
Jan 20, 20204 min read
The Sugar Connection - How controlling blood sugar means so much more than just avoiding diabetes!
I bet you knew that eating too much sugar could lead to diabetes. But did you also know that sugar issues lead to something called...
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Dr. Katie O'Connor
Jan 6, 20204 min read
A Belly in Motion. 5 ways to move your body during pregnancy for a healthy birth and babe!
If you're alive and breathing right now then it should come as no surprise that movement is really good for your body. Especially at...
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Chantelle Pape
Nov 24, 20192 min read
So, You Have an OB/GYN, How About a Prenatal Chiropractor?
Chiropractic care during pregnancy is arguably as important for Mom as regular OB appointments, if not more. Find out why.
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